Your Star Guide Spread
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Your Present Situation

This masked bandit can make you laugh with his antics, or make you angry when you realize he’s made off with your food! Raccoon is incredibly curious-to the point that he’ll walk into a potentially dangerous situation just to see what’s up. Like Raccoon, are there situations you’re barging into before you have all the information? Might want to re-think this one.



The Cause of Your Conflicts and Obstacles

Frog Rivet! Something in your life needs cleansing, and frog is here to help. Frog is traditionally associated with rain-that powerful force of Nature that can flood, nurture, heal, or drown. If Frog appears in your reading, you're being asked to examine what is stagnating in your life-then ask Frog to help you let it go. Need to cry? Jump in the shower and let Frog Medicine do its work.



The Changes You Need to Make to Face Your Challenges

Wolf can survive either as a loner or as part of a pack, and he howls to remind you that you have to balance the needs of others with the needs of the self. If you’re giving yourself away to your own detriment, you are living in opposition to Wolf medicine. Return to balance-and begin feeding your emotions, your mind, and your body.



Your Strengths

You've heard the expression "playing possum"? It means to play dead and is derived from Opossum's ability to act in whatever way the situation demands. If it's practical to play dead, so be it; if it's to Opossum's advantage to be aggressive, watch out! Take your cue from this master actor today-and play the role that will serve you best.



Other Challenges

Green Woman
Green Woman has magically floated into your life to remind you of the energy of fertility--fertility for a project, a garden, a love affair or conception. If there is fertile ground, it WILL bear fruit. Green Woman encourages you to practice your own brand of magic, and to appreciate the talents you have that will, in the near future, give birth to a magical creation.



The Final Outcome

Buffalo has come snorting into your life today to bring a message of great hope. Buffalo sacrificed every part of his physical body to support those who hunted him-but he also gave his spirit. And, it's that spirit of hope, abundance, and a bright future that he brings to you today. If you are experiencing a troubled journey, help is here.



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