Your Astrological Spread
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Your Self Overall

Ten of Cups

Happiness and satisfaction can be had. The spiritual self leads to great loves, friendships and success.

Your Current Mood (The Card of Aries)

King of Coins Reversed

Misuse of skills. Prone to vice. Easily corrupted. Possibly dangerous when angered.

Matters Concerning Finance (The Card of Taurus)

The Grand Duke Reversed

The Grand Duke reversed represents conceit, loss of dignity, indecisiveness, and immaturity.

Matters Concerning Travel and Communication (The Card of Gemini)


With The Bull comes strength, loyalty and determination.

Matters of the Home, Parents and Children (The Card of Cancer)

Page of Cups Reversed

Obstacles and bad news. A lack of creativity. Deception.

Matters of Pleasure (The Card of Leo)


Libra denotes justice and balance. That which should rightfully be shall be.

Matters of Health (The Card of Virgo)

Six of Coins Reversed

Gloating of wealth and jealousy. Possesions may be in jeopardy.

Matters of Partnerships and Marriage (The Card of Libra)

Eight of Swords

Indecision and betrayal may imprision you. Fear may be paralyzing and make if difficult to move away from present problems.

Matters of Death and Inheritance (The Card of Scorpio)

Five of Wands

There may be obstacles on your path. Courage will be required to overcome them.

Matters of the Spiritual, Education and Dreams (The Card of Sagittarius)

Ace of Cups

Love, joy, and contentment productiveness and fertility can be had.

Matters of Career (The Card of Capricorn)

Four of Wands

Work will be well done. Peace and harmony will be realized.

Matters of Friendship (The Card of Aquarius)

King of Cups

Fairness on all levels. Generosity and morality abound. A high degree of skill is displayed in all things attempted.

Matters of Burdens, Opposition and Fears (The Card of Pisces)

Knight of Coins Reversed

Stagnation mixed with a dull, timid and indolent nature.

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