Your Cross and Triangle Spread
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You the Significator and Your Life Force

King of Cups

Fairness on all levels. Generosity and morality abound. A high degree of skill is displayed in all things attempted.

That Which Influences Your Thoughts

The Seven of Wands Reversed

Employ caution and courage in your ventures. Knowledge is your ally, arrogance your enemy.

That Which Influences Your Emotions

Queen of Coins

Feminine qualities take the forefront. In tune with the earth. Nurturing. Wealth and security. Talents put to good use.

That Which Influences Your Spirit

King of Swords Reversed

Distrustful and paranoid. Capable of malice. Power abused.

That Which Influences Your Physical Self

Aquarius Reversed

This card signifies the closing of both heart and mind, which leads to stagnation.

Forces that Oppose You

Five of Cups

That which was expected to bring joy may bring sorrow. Disillusionment with relationships. The loss of friends, partners and lovers.

Other Forces that Oppose You

Queen of Swords

Often mournful from loss or infertility. Quick witted, gracious and kind but firm.

Energies You Need to bring to the Forefront

Page of Coins

Introversion. A healthy admiration for new ideas and scholarly pursuits. Reflective. Good management and organizational skills. A bearer of good tidings.

The Outcome

Four of Cups

A period of rest in your life and dissatisfaction with material gains. Re-evaluation of your goals.

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