Your Star Guide Spread
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Your Present Situation

Page of Wands

This card represents courage and beauty, a quickness to love as well as anger. A carrier of tidings and information.

The Cause of Your Conflicts and Obstacles

Eight of Cups Reversed

Interest in the material world and success emerges or returns. Happiness and love are possible.

The Changes You Need to Make to Face Your Challenges

The Queen of Wands

The power to acquire that which is wanted. A productive mind and body. A loving nature. Success.

Your Strengths

Temperance Reversed

Corruption, disorganization, fighting and interests at odds with one another.

Other Challenges

Three of Pentacles

Material fortunes grow. Crafts or arts are mastered.

The Final Outcome

Five of Cups

That which was expected to bring joy may bring sorrow. Disillusionment with relationships. The loss of friends, partners and lovers.

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