The Moon card represents forces that remain largely hidden. This card stands for illusions. It indicates that you need to be careful of a devious and deceitful individual who may lead you astray. Don’t let your or someone else’s fabricated notions cloud your judgment. At this time, it is possible that you have little or no direction in life. The light of the moon provides some illumination down a path into the unknown, but not enough to brighten the landscape like the Sun, or cut through the dark shadows from which the unexpected may leap. However, the Moon is not without gifts you can use. She spurs your imagination and creativity. Good career paths may be found in the entertainment industry, writing and the arts. She can be a portal to knowledge and experience beyond the realm of your everyday life.
But her offerings will not be available to the feint of heart. Your imagination and illusions may make your daily life feel out of control. However, you may be feeling emotional highs as well as lows. This may be a time when memorable events may be taking place, which you will not forget about easily. Remember that things are not always as they seem. For example, what appears to be going up, may actually be going down. You need to listen to your inner voice. You may also be able to tap into your psychic abilities and use your intuition to solve problems.
In the reversed position, the Moon card is an indication that you have been deceiving yourself. You have been subject to mood swings that you do not understand, which are causing a number of problems. All this may be affecting your mental and physical health and you may feel physically drained. Your intuition and psychic powers are blocked. This is not a time to isolate yourself. You may want to confide in a friend or get help. You may have difficulty separating reality from fantasy. You also may be escaping from reality. It is time to step out of this world of illusions you are living in. This is a time you are feeling sorry for yourself. This will get in the way of any productivity. This card can be a warning of dangerous roads ahead. This is the time for a reality check. This is also not the time to take any risks. There will be opposition and disagreements with others on your beliefs and viewpoints. Stay true to your own convictions. Don’t lose focus, your imagination can sidetrack you. With patience, things may start to turn in the right direction.