When a pendulum is used as a divination tool to answer questions, it is considered a form of dowsing. Another form of dowsing uses a divining rod to search for water, metals or minerals underground. As far back as 4,000 years ago it is believed that Egyptian pharaohs, the Greeks and the Chinese practiced dowsing. There is also evidence that the Oracle of Delphi answered questions posed by the military and royalty using a pendulum. However, when the French discovered the Tassili caves in North Africa in 1949, they found ancient wall paintings depicting the technique of dowsing and carbon dated those murals to be as old as 8,000 years. References to rod dowsing are also found in the Bible. Another form or offshoot of dowsing is radiesthesia. It uses specially calibrated instruments to detect and locate the natural radiation waves and vibrations that are emitted from the earth, elements, objects and people as energies and auras. Some believe that this knowledge of energy fields can be useful in healing and in finding the cause and location of diseases in individuals.
Pendulum dowsing is still practiced today and is used by professional healers and energy workers. However, anyone can study and learn the pendulum techniques. With time and practice, working with your pendulum actually enhances your own intuition and psychic abilities.
A pendulum can be purchased or be made by using a weighted object that hangs from a chain or string, for example, a piece of jewelry, a ring, crystal, or charm that may have either belonged to you or someone close to you. The pendulum itself does not possess powers or magic. It merely acts as a radio receiver of the reader?s innermost consciousness and intuition to access information that cannot be known from the physical realm. It connects with an individual?s inner wisdom, guides, angels and masters to the divine for answers.
If you are beginning to work with pendulum dowsing, it is a good idea to choose an appropriate pendulum for yourself. When purchasing one, if you like how it looks and how it feels in your hands, it is probably the one for you. As stated previously, you may also craft your own pendulum.
Learning how to handle your pendulum properly takes time and patience. One way to hold it during a reading is to place your elbow on the table (if you are right-handed use that one, and vice-versa). Hold the chain or string and attached pendulum with your thumb, index and middle fingers.? Make sure that the pendulum is steady and still before you ask any question. This will ensure that the pendulum is cleared of any remaining energies from a previous question.
Keep in mind that any information sought after with this type of reading must only be done with good and pure intentions. It will not work effectively if it is used for ill-gotten gains.
Most importantly, precede your reading with a prayerful statement of your good intentions. For example you might say, ?It is my intention that this reading will be given in the best interests of all who are connected with this reading and that the answers are truthful.?
Because your pendulum is sensitive to all outside energies, it is important to cleanse it ? preferably before each use. This is done by placing it under cold running tap water, soaking it in sea salt or just mentally sending it a message to clear itself. You will also need to clear your own mind of clutter and unwanted thoughts so that you will be open to receive new information.
Also understand that pendulums swing in horizontal straight lines, vertical straight lines or circular (clockwise and counter-clockwise) motions.? The way the pendulum sways while hanging in the reader?s hand determines the answer.
Generally, the pendulum is asked questions in a direct ?yes? and ?no? format. However, sometimes pendulum readers use a chart, which displays more answers than just yes and no. If the pendulum swings over a specific position located on the chart, then that is the true answer. For example, the chart may include answers such as ?Yes,? ?No,? ?Rephrase,? ?Maybe,? ?Unknown,? or ?Try Again.? Some charts may even have more detailed answers. The charts are either drawn out as a full or a half circle. The charts are also customizable. An alphabet chart will spell out words or phrases; a number chart may be used to determine numbers that relate to the question; and a relationship chart is used to answer questions about a particular relationship.
To interpret the answers coming from your pendulum after you pose it a question, you will have to decipher the meaning of the directions it moves. As you begin, ask your pendulum to show you what a ?yes? and ?no? answer will look like. For example, say, ?Show me a ?yes? answer.? After a time, the pendulum will respond by moving in a certain direction, say for example, in a horizontal one. Say, ?Thank you? and then ask it to ?Please show me a ?no? answer.? It will respond by moving in a certain direction, say for example, in a vertical direction. Once the response movements have been established, you can move forward with asking direct ?yes? or ?no? questions.
At first, it might be wise to test the accuracy of your pendulum?s answers. Ask it something you already know to be true, for example, ?Is my name Donnie?? If the pendulum moves in the direction of the way you understood the ?yes? answer to be, then you can continue on asking some questions that you do not already know the answer to. If it answers incorrectly, you may need to repeat the process of honing in on your understanding of the ?yes? and ?no? movements.
An example of an incorrect way to pose a question would be: ?Will my sister be buying a blue or red car? That answer will elicit a choice, instead of a direct yes or no. Instead ask: ?Will my sister be buying a red car?? or ?Will my sister buy the car she test-drove today??
If this has sparked your interest in pendulum dowsing, there is an abundance of information available on the subject that will help you become more proficient at readings. ?There are those who remain skeptical of this technique and many of them believe that the pendulum or rods are moved by the reader and not by spirits or divine intervention. In spite of the skeptics claims, learning about and using the pendulum or the rods is becoming more popular today than ever.
To learn about other forms of readings, visit the? Reading Room.