The Star card represents a strong connection to the Universe, an open gateway to understanding the big picture. It is an optimistic card that promises peace, harmony, inspiration, renewed hope and most of all, healing. If you are facing overwhelming adversity or feelings of hopelessness and anguish, this card lets you know that this is not a time to lose hope. Healing may come from the cosmos or within. In order for the full power of the forces behind the Star to be realized, you must have faith, and accept that in cosmic terms, all things balance out and disturbances are sometimes necessary to ensure overall harmony. This is a time to reopen your heart to spirituality and the loving light it brings. Let go of any feelings of self-doubt and unfounded fears. The reward of faith is a vision on a cosmic scale and a sense of well-being that will radiate to those around you through your warm, untroubled heart. Your life will be fulfilled in many unexpected ways. This is the time to wish upon a star.
In the reversed position, the Star card can signify despair, crushed dreams, bad luck, gloom and an unwillingness to adapt. It can also signify exhaustion or emotional and physical illness. Your poor judgment may bring about a loss. Your pessimistic thinking and arrogance are getting in the way of your personal growth and life opportunities. Your own self-doubt may be getting in the way of courage. This also might bring about feelings of being stuck and hopeless. If you continue to dismiss the help of others and be only self-sufficient, you are setting yourself up for failure. Nobody can go it alone. This card indicates that you might be easily conned, robbed or scammed. It is about time you reflect on your cynical views. Now is the time to take a look at your past failures and mistakes and learn from them. There is always hope. However, remember rest and a positive outlook are important.