Tag Archives: fears

Tarot Card for the Week of 6-2-13

The tarot cards hold special meanings, warnings, characteristics and actions that may need to be taken in order to change your course in life. Keep in mind that some aspects are changeable and some are not. It is all up to you. With the High Priestess card as the tarot card for the week of 6-2-13, this is the week to trust your intuition and pay attention to your gut feelings on all matters. You might be surprised that you have hidden psychic abilities. This week is also not the time to hide your feelings and emotions. You must put your fears aside. You may be asked to help others with their problems. Just be sure to keep yourself well-balanced and in tune with your spiritual side. Meditation will help you do that and may give you some answers you seek. Trust in your inner self and have faith ? things will work out. Look out for a superficial individual who may not have your best interests at heart. Be careful not to divulge any personal information to the wrong people. You must remain on your toes this week and keep watch for hidden agendas and secrets from people who you think are trustworthy.




The High Priestess card symbolizes your own power and intuition. There is something hidden that will be revealed. Certain things psychically have not been revealed yet. Trust your own abilities ? knowledge, intuition and psychic powers ? to find out what is coming your way. You will become aware of unseen truths, hidden dangers, untapped potentials and spirituality. You are passive by nature; however, you possess the power to uncover great possibilities. You are extremely patient and will wait for events to blossom in their own time. This card insists that you must trust your intuition and psychic abilities. By using these energies and abilities, you will be able to gain the answers to many of your own questions.
In the reversed position, the High Priestess card can signify a hidden agenda, a lack of compassion or selfishness. It can also reflect that you only rely on surface and superficial knowledge ? not your intuition. You lack the ability to understand situations as they appear. This card may also indicate there is an individual around you who does not have your best interests at hand. This may be someone who is very close to you. You or someone else may be abusing psychic abilities to manipulate a situation or to hurt another person. Beware of false prophets.




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Seeing a Hearse Go By

The hearse is a most notorious icon of death and mourning. Numerous superstitions, gestures and beliefs are connected to this vehicle. Just the mere sight of a hearse can stir up many emotions about our own mortality.


Since the time of horse drawn hearses, a common belief was that if you saw a hearse, you would be the next to die. To avoid such a horrible curse, in Victorian times, it was believed that holding a button could ward off this demise. Others held a button until they saw a bird. Some people would go as far as to hold their breath, close their eyes and put their feet up in the air.


Another old belief is that a hearse drawn by two horses (especially white ones) signified a death would happen in the neighborhood in the very near future.


One of the more interesting traditions about hearses passing by is taken from Japanese culture. Hiding one?s thumb in a fist while the hearse passed was done to protect the parents from an early death. (The thumb is a representation of the ?parent? finger, called ”oya yubi” in Japanese.)


Another superstition is based on which direction you see the hearse moving. If the hearse is moving toward you and empty, it is considered good luck in some parts of the United States. In other areas of the U.S., it could bring on three days of good or bad luck. On the other hand, if a hearse is empty and moving away from you, you are close to death.


Some people believe that if they see their reflection in the window of a hearse, it is a bad sign. No matter what, a hearse is the sign of imminent death. Most people have some type of superstitions about seeing one, and most of us will be unable to avoid being the passenger in one way or another. And by the way, you don?t ever want to be the first person to drive a brand new hearse ? it is definitely bad luck.


To find out about other superstitions,
visit the Superstition Room.


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