Monthly Archives July 2012

The Ups and Downs of Horseshoes

The superstition about horseshoes is one of good luck and good fortune. It is believed that the good luck powers of the horseshoe date back to the story of a blacksmith named Dunstan and a man he believed was the devil. It is said that a man came to Dunstan and requested that he put horseshoes on his feet (hoofs). Dunstan recognized this man as the devil and nailed a horseshoe to the devil?s hoof. Seeing that the devil was in great pain, it is said that he chained him while he was in agony and only released him after the devil promised never to enter a place that had a horseshoe hung over the door. Dunstan eventually became the Archbishop of Canterbury in 959 AD and is known as Saint Dunstan.
The way the horseshoe is hung and displayed varies. Some regions of the world believe that hanging the horseshoe in an upward position (?U?) holds in all the good luck and the powers it brings. For them, hanging the horseshoe upside down meant that its powers would fall away and dissipate. However, there are others who believe that hanging it in a downward position allows all of the good luck, protective powers and good fortune to shower upon you and surround the home. If you are doubly superstitious, you might want to hang one in each position. The choice is yours.
Another belief exists that the horseshoe, because of its crescent shape, has the ability to ward off the evil eye. In ancient Europe and prior to the Chaldeans, this crescent shape represented the various moon goddesses, which were signs of protection, good luck, fertility and could protect against a curse from the evil eye.
From early times to today people still wear horseshoe charms and amulets to bring good luck. Horseshoes were originally held in place on the horse using seven iron nails, as seven was considered a very lucky number. That is why some horseshoes and/or charms are made with seven nail holes in them. It was also believed that hanging a horseshoe over one?s bed could prevent nightmares. It became a common practice to hang a horseshoe outside of the home, barn or store to ward off evil and bring good luck. The horseshoe was also used by sailors who nailed them to the foremasts of their ships to ward off evil spirits and entities from harming their ships, crew or preventing them from arriving at their destination safely.
During the middle ages, for some reason it was believed that witches had a fear of horses, especially of their shoes, which were made from iron. Because iron could withstand fire, it was also believed that it could ward off all evil spirits. It was believed that a witch would never enter a home with a horseshoe nailed to or over the door. Suspected witches who were tried and not burned at the stake, but buried upon their deaths, had horseshoes nailed to their coffins to prevent them from returning to life or resurrecting again as witches.


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Tarot Card for the Week of 7-29-12

With the Moon tarot card as this week’s selection, this might be the time to remind yourself that things are not always what they seem. Don’t forget to make sure that you are able to separate fantasy from reality. Use the light of the moon to reveal hidden agendas or partially illuminate a new path for you to follow.?Tap into your intuition or even your psychic abilities to figure out what is taking place in your relationships. At the end of the week, you decide if the Moon card fell in the upright or reversed position for you.






The Moon card represents forces that remain largely hidden. This card stands for illusions. It indicates that you need to be careful of a devious and deceitful individual who may lead you astray. Don’t let your own or someone else’s fabricated notions cloud your judgment. At this time, it is possible that you have little or no direction in life. The light of the moon provides some illumination down a path into the unknown, but not enough to brighten the landscape like the Sun, or cut through the dark shadows from which the unexpected may leap. However, the Moon is not without gifts you can use. She spurs your imagination and creativity. Good career paths may be found in the entertainment industry, writing and the arts. She can be a portal to knowledge and experience beyond the realm of your everyday life.


But her offerings will not be available to the feint of heart. Your imagination and illusions may make your daily life feel out of control. However, you may be feeling emotional highs, as well as lows. This may be a time when memorable events may be taking place, which you will not forget about easily. Remember that things are not always as they seem. For example, what appears to be going up, may actually be going down. You need to listen to your inner voice. You may also be able to tap into your psychic abilities and use your intuition to solve problems.
In the reversed position, the Moon card is an indication that you have been deceiving yourself. You have been subject to mood swings that you do not understand, which are causing a number of problems. All this may be affecting your mental and physical health and you may feel physically drained. Your intuition and psychic powers are blocked. This is not a time to isolate yourself. You may want to confide in a friend or get help. You may have difficulty separating reality from fantasy. You also may be escaping from reality. It is time to step out of this world of illusions you are living in. This is a time you are feeling sorry for yourself. This will get in the way of any productivity. This card can be a warning of dangerous roads ahead. This is the time for a reality check. This is also not the time to take any risks. There will be opposition and disagreements with others on your beliefs and viewpoints. Stay true to your own convictions. Don’t lose focus, your imagination can sidetrack you. With patience, things may start to turn in the right direction.










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Tarot Card for the Week of 7-22-12

With this tarot card, is this the week you will encounter someone who has your emotional interests at heart? Or is someone selfishly taking advantage of you? This is a week to take a good?look at a person’s faithfulness to you. This may be the week to rely on your intuition. Hold on to your wallet and tighten your purse strings. At the end of the week, you decide if the King of Cups fell in the upright or reversed position for you.


?Minor Arcana?

King of Cups, Minor Arcana is emotional, creative and intense. The King relies on his intuition more than logic. But it is important for him to keep his emotions in check. When he does not speak from the heart, he may appear detached from his emotions and become ill tempered. He is artistic and compassionate. When the king of cups shows up in a reading, this is an indication that someone with your best interests at heart will enter your life. This individual will be bringing you a message of spirituality and deep beliefs. He brings balance into your life. This individual is skilled in the art of negotiation. He often does his work behind the scenes. This person sets an example that you should follow. A reminder ? keep your emotions in check and stay balanced.
This card represents someone who won?t accept reality, is unable to express feelings and believes that no one will ever fully understand him. He feels he has to be in control. It may also be an indication that you are overdoing it and being self-centered. Be careful of abusing substances. This card can also indicate someone unfaithful. The card can also mean that there is someone giving you a message who cannot be trusted. There is knowledge being used to take advantage of business and financial matters. This individual is to be avoided at all costs. There are deals being made behind your back and people are being played against each other. Be careful of this ruthless hypocrite. He will use emotional blackmail and create scandal. It is important to keep your emotions in check ? do not react immediately and take time to think things through.






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In a Psychic Medium’s Own Words

Psychic mediums have the ability to connect with loved ones who have passed, as well as to know the names of those who are living that have played or are playing significant roles in an individual?s life. They are also able to pick up on a person?s career, travel plans or current events that may be impacting one?s life. Psychic Library’s psychic medium, Donnie Tash, who is also one of its founders, has often been asked to describe what happens and what it looks like when he communicates with someone’s loved one who has passed. He does not go into a trance, the names and information are just there in his mind, and all he does is relay it back to the person. He prefers to call the process “harnessing their energies.” Sometimes people who have passed on choose to appear to him at a different time in their lives, or during a particularly happy period.





By Donnie Tash


Each of us carries within ourselves the imprints of our past and current experiences, sensitivities and vulnerabilities ? what I refer to as invisible tattoos or veiled scars. I have a heightened sensitivity to some people?s imprints. These imprints are vibrations that translate to my mind?s eye as images and past events, most of which relate to people (living or dead) who have been involved in a person?s life or those who are currently playing a role in it. My intuition also plays an important role when I feel that something new or challenging is about to happen in someone?s life.


Many people want to know what the Other Side looks like. It?s not like I get a peek into where these people go, or that I have to pass through a lighted white tunnel, as so many people have reported after a near-death experience (NDE). I get pictures in my mind, somewhat clear. Then I see a jigsaw puzzle of facts and thoughts that fit in with those pictures.


Think about it, when you put together a real jigsaw puzzle, you start with the pieces on the outer edge to make things easier; then eventually everything connects, and all of those smaller, single pieces fit together. Sometimes though, I am given the center piece of the puzzle and work my way out. However, the person who is getting the reading may not put all the pieces together during a reading because things move at such a rapid pace. It may take a while for all of the pieces to fit and some people might not connect them for even a day or two.


People who have passed on are sometimes very clear to me. Those who are ready to come through are at times just standing there. A person may come to a reading in the hopes of contacting a specific individual who has passed; however, sometimes another individual may come through to me with a totally different message. This is something a psychic has no control over.?But during that same reading, bits and pieces may be revealed about the initial individual the person wanted to contact. In fact, sometimes people appear just to jar the individual?s memory.


When people from the other side speak through me, it?s as if I have a cell phone in my head and I?m receiving an audio text message. Try to envision that you are recalling a conversation you have had with someone. That?s exactly how I hear them. I then start getting a name, and more and more details start to show up. By sitting down and thinking a bit longer, more details do appear. I often get visual snippets of images of either the person or of something that relates to them, for example, something they had owned or a hobby they enjoyed.


Names, at times, can be tricky for me. I might only get sounds of single letters that appear in the name, or I might get garbled groups of sounds. For example, note the similarity between the names Barbara and Rebecca. In another example, I might ask: Who?s name contains a strong, dominant sounding letter L? Then I may think of Lilly or Alison. However, sometimes a name or nickname will just come through very clear and precise.?I will ask the person receiving the reading: What does this person mean to you? Or Who did you refer to with this name?


All in all, remember that psychic readings go very quickly. You may not understand all of the messages during the reading,?but give it some time. You will figure it out and it will make sense. As a psychic medium, I do appreciate it when someone who has gotten a reading from me lets me know that they understand the connections made and have fit all of the pieces together.


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Benefits of Meditation

Meditation works on many levels: by contributing to our physical and mental well-being, by enhancing the immune system and by reducing the effects of stress. Meditation provides a deeper spiritual connection for many people and can have a significant effect on their personal growth and development.


One important benefit of meditation is improved concentration, which is why many athletes and sports professionals practice it. There have been a number of studies conducted that concluded there is a direct correlation between concentration exercises such as meditation and significant increases in athletic performance.


Another benefit of meditation for many people is improved sleep. Not only do they find it easier to get to sleep, but they also find that the quality of their sleep is better. This has a direct impact on stress levels, as people find it easier to cope with everyday stressors when well rested. It is often reported that meditation helps to put problems into perspective, which further decreases levels of anxiety and stress.


In our increasingly frenetic world, taking time out to practice meditation can provide you with an oasis of calm that sustains the rest of your day. When a mind is allowed to simply let go and just be, it often becomes more creative and more able to problem-solve. Meditation can also provide benefits far beyond those enjoyed by the individual. It can have a profound effect on society in general. This is one reason that some schools require 20-minute meditations for each student. Results have shown that students who do meditate become more calm and focused and can better cope with their studies.


As we become more aware of the need for a holistic approach to health and well-being, this formerly esoteric practice is now more widely accepted. People are turning to meditation to find the inner security and sense of peace that is so often missing from modern life. They are seeking the nurturing they need to sustain them through lives that are far more complex than ever before. This ancient art is deservedly experiencing a revival. In its simplicity, there lies the answer to so many of our modern ailments. Meditation is here to stay and can only increase in popularity as more people discover its benefits.


For more tips and advantages of meditation, visit the Meditation Room.




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Tarot Card for the Week of 7-15-12

According to the tarot card, this week success is within your grasp. You have extreme confidence when it comes to achieving your goals. This could be a week filled with boundless energy. On the other hand, this may be a week to take a long look at your relationships. You might be ripe for disappointment and frustration, however, filling yourself with hope may allow the sun to shine in.? At the end of the week, you decide if the Sun card fell in the upright or reversed position for you.




UPRIGHT: Only the World card of the tarot deck can match the blessings that come with the Sun. While it certainly doesn?t promise a life path without some bumps in the road, the Sun indicates that all will be well. Success will be yours. This card indicates that people appreciate the joy and the brightness you bring to their lives. At this time you are feeling confident and achieving your goals is apparent. The Sun is our cosmic nurturer. The Sun card may be bringing you the news you have been waiting for that? the darkest hours are over. Things have a brighter outlook. You may even find yourself traveling to where the sun shines brightly. Life flourishes under its radiant beams. It provides the illumination necessary to find truths and light a path so you do not get lost. To stand in the rays of the Sun is to shine. To absorb its energy promotes growth, exceptional physical and mental health, and good fortune. You are enthusiastic and seem to have boundless energy. The Sun is empowering, elevating and fills those who bask in it with confidence and a sense of self-worth. The sun is invigorating. It also sends us a message to get back to the simpler things in life. You will truly find this liberating. It is also the time of epiphanies. To have the Sun anywhere in your personal cards is truly a gift.


REVERSED: In the reversed position, the Sun card can signify loneliness, a broken marriage or union, depression, lack of accomplishment and sadness. This card may be indicating that you have not been honest with yourself. Signs of frustration may be coming to the forefront. There is also a warning about making hasty commitments. This is a time to look at any offers that may be given to you from people who do not have your best interests at heart. Once these individuals are exposed, you might want to give up on future dealings or take a longer time to investigate further. Disappointment and frustration at work and at home may be coming to a head. Be prepared to deal with some loneliness due to disenchantment in a business venture or disillusionment in a relationship. Be careful not to celebrate anything too early ? wait until you have all the details. The Sun card can represent hope. Do not let your negative internal emotions and your solitude block out the sunshine.






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