Tag Archives: emotions

Tarot Card for the Week of 9-1-13

The tarot cards hold special meanings, warnings, characteristics and actions that may need to be taken in order to change your course in life. Keep in mind that some aspects are changeable and some are not. It is all up to you. The Two of Cups is the tarot card for the week of 9-1-13. The Cups are also known as chalices or goblets. They correspond to hearts in a playing card deck and are associated with the Water element and the color red. The suit is associated with Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. The Cups are symbolic of emotions (positive and negative), love, relationships, romance, happiness, intuition, psychic abilities and spiritual connections. The Two of Cups is a card of romance, new beginnings and commitment. It also reflects good communication with a business partner. This week the Two of Cups may indicate that a rocky relationship may be coming to an end or through honesty, agreements can be made. If you are in a relationship and feel you are the only one participating, this might be the week that your partner finally steps up and joins in. Love will conquer all. If you are beginning a new relationship you must take off your blinders and see beyond perfection in your mate. You may just happen to reveal a few flaws. This card asks you to look inward this week, especially if there has been difficulty in a business or personal relationship. Have you been domineering, suspicious, or selfish? These traits could be causing some problems. This is definitely the week to keep things in balance.


Two of Cups, Minor Arcana, is a balancing card representing healthy relationships, whether in romance, business or personal friendships. In romance, this is the card of commitment and the beginning of intimacy. In business, this is the opening of communication to a long-lasting business partnership where neither puts their needs in front of the other. As far as personal friendships are concerned, who do you trust more with your personal secrets? This card represents the energy that love creates. The first step in creating love is to love yourself first. You need to love yourself as you want others to love you. It is time to remove any masks you might be wearing.


Although you may have been hurt before in a relationship, this is now the time to let go. Your reluctance will end in isolation. This card in reverse may indicate that you are living too much in a fantasy world and you are not in true touch with what is needed to make a true commitment. You must take a look ? your current relationship may be one-sided. But do not hold back feelings. Do not be afraid of communicating, what is left unsaid can be misunderstood. Without learning these skills, this card may indicate a possible break up or divorce. The key to success is being available for each other ? don’t think for your partner.








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Tarot Card for the Week of 6-2-13

The tarot cards hold special meanings, warnings, characteristics and actions that may need to be taken in order to change your course in life. Keep in mind that some aspects are changeable and some are not. It is all up to you. With the High Priestess card as the tarot card for the week of 6-2-13, this is the week to trust your intuition and pay attention to your gut feelings on all matters. You might be surprised that you have hidden psychic abilities. This week is also not the time to hide your feelings and emotions. You must put your fears aside. You may be asked to help others with their problems. Just be sure to keep yourself well-balanced and in tune with your spiritual side. Meditation will help you do that and may give you some answers you seek. Trust in your inner self and have faith ? things will work out. Look out for a superficial individual who may not have your best interests at heart. Be careful not to divulge any personal information to the wrong people. You must remain on your toes this week and keep watch for hidden agendas and secrets from people who you think are trustworthy.




The High Priestess card symbolizes your own power and intuition. There is something hidden that will be revealed. Certain things psychically have not been revealed yet. Trust your own abilities ? knowledge, intuition and psychic powers ? to find out what is coming your way. You will become aware of unseen truths, hidden dangers, untapped potentials and spirituality. You are passive by nature; however, you possess the power to uncover great possibilities. You are extremely patient and will wait for events to blossom in their own time. This card insists that you must trust your intuition and psychic abilities. By using these energies and abilities, you will be able to gain the answers to many of your own questions.
In the reversed position, the High Priestess card can signify a hidden agenda, a lack of compassion or selfishness. It can also reflect that you only rely on surface and superficial knowledge ? not your intuition. You lack the ability to understand situations as they appear. This card may also indicate there is an individual around you who does not have your best interests at hand. This may be someone who is very close to you. You or someone else may be abusing psychic abilities to manipulate a situation or to hurt another person. Beware of false prophets.




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Tarot Card for the Week of 3-10-13

The tarot cards hold special meanings, warnings, characteristics and actions that may need to be taken in order to change your course in life. Keep in mind that some aspects are changeable and some are not. It is all up to you. With the Queen of Cups as the tarot card for the week of 3-10-13, this is the week to use and trust your intuition in all areas of your life. This is not a time to hold back. The success and happiness you have been looking for may enter your life this week. You may find that you are needed this week to nurture and empathize with someone with unconditional judgment. However, be careful of superficial friendships in times of need. You might find yourself surrounded by some people, either male or female, who are being deceptive. Do make you sure that you are not the one deceiving yourself. Either way, you may be setting yourself up for emotional hurt.?



Queen of Cups, Minor Arcana, is a happy and balanced card. This card might represent you or perhaps another person, male or female. The Queen is artistic, creative, nurturing, intuitive and feminine. She often represents a healer, adviser and someone who uses psychic abilities. She is not one to hamper creativity in others. She is one to know what is ailing you before you even speak. She is wise and she has answers. She also has strong intuition and is able to be empathetic. Maturity is one of the qualities depicted in this card. However, she does not always work to her full potential. She loves deeply, putting her partner before herself. She has a soft spot for children and animals and is very nurturing. You will have an opportunity to make stronger bonds in relationships. Joy in your accomplishments is on its way. You may find this is achieved with the positive energies from people you have surrounded yourself with. With respect to relationships, your energies are focused and heading in the right direction. This is a time for you to trust your inner voice.


The Queen is so emotionally influenced that it affects her personality negatively. She can also have long-lasting emotional scars that have eroded her self-esteem. She is inefficient, unstable and lacks vitality. Either you or someone in your life is out of touch with reality and cannot be trusted. You are not one to be depended upon to finish what you start. Your reliability is questionable. You have a tendency to be moody and your behavior is not to be trusted. There is also a tendency to talk about others without regard to their feelings. Your moodiness pushes people away. Children are nothing but a nuisance, you to not have the ability guide and nurture. You have lost your patience. Your behaviors are frustrating others due to your procrastination. You or someone at this time can only deal with the superficial. This card may also indicate that you may encounter an untrustworthy woman who is bitter, cold and calculating.






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Tarot Card for the Week of 2-10-13

The tarot cards hold special meanings, warnings, characteristics and actions that may need to be taken in order to change your course in life. Keep in mind that some aspects are changeable and some are not. It is all up to you. With the King of Cups, Major Arcana, as the tarot card for the week of 2-10-13, is this the week you will encounter someone who has your emotional interests at heart? Or is someone selfishly taking advantage of you? This is a week to take a good look at a person’s faithfulness to you. This may be the week to rely on your intuition. Hold on to your wallet and tighten your purse strings. At the end of the week, you decide if the King of Cups fell in the upright or reversed position for you.


Minor Arcana

King of Cups, Minor Arcana is emotional, creative and intense. The King relies on his intuition more than logic. But it is important for him to keep his emotions in check. When he does not speak from the heart, he may appear detached from his emotions and become ill tempered. He is artistic and compassionate. When the king of cups shows up in a reading, this is an indication that someone with your best interests at heart will enter your life. This individual will be bringing you a message of spirituality and deep beliefs. He brings balance into your life. This individual is skilled in the art of negotiation. He often does his work behind the scenes. This person sets an example that you should follow. A reminder ? keep your emotions in check and stay balanced.
This card represents someone who won?t accept reality, is unable to express feelings and believes that no one will ever fully understand him. He feels he has to be in control. It may also be an indication that you are overdoing it and being self-centered. Be careful of abusing substances. This card can also indicate someone unfaithful. The card can also mean that there is someone giving you a message who cannot be trusted. There is knowledge being used to take advantage of business and financial matters. This individual is to be avoided at all costs. There are deals being made behind your back and people are being played against each other. Be careful of this ruthless hypocrite. He will use emotional blackmail and create scandal. It is important to keep your emotions in check ? do not react immediately and take time to think things through.





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Know Your Psychic


It is very important to know the different types of psychics and psychic readings that are available to you before you make a choice. Psychic readings are divided into two groups ? structured and unstructured. A structured reading involves the use of divination tools such as tarot cards; the lines, bumps and markings on your palms, head and other parts of the body; rune stones; I-Ching coins; tea leaves; astrology birth charts; and numbers, to name a few, to give information and answers about your career, relationships and past, present and future events in your life. Some people who are not true psychic mediums do perform these readings and are extremely accurate and knowledgeable. And many courses are available that can teach you these different divinations; however, a more in-depth reading will be accomplished if given by an individual with true psychic abilities.


In an unstructured reading, the psychic medium relies on his or her psychic gifts to reveal information about your feelings, emotions and relationships. They also have the ability to connect with people who have passed, as well as with people who are currently playing an important role in your life. When getting this type of reading, it is usually best to have a specific question in mind or some past, present or future issues that need resolving. This is the highest form of psychic mediumship and is known as evidential psychic mediumship. The medium will be able to give you specific names, dates and details that only you or someone in your family would know. Also, some are able to read animals? thoughts and connect with animals who have passed. Someone who is not truly a psychic medium will not be able to give an accurate unstructured reading.


Another type of psychic ability associated with an unstructured type of reading is that of a psychic/spiritual healer. The work of a psychic healer can be described as viewing a person through the psychic’s mind’s eye and looking at people’s energies with respect to their chakras, auras, physical organs and overall health. A psychic senses and identifies where someone’s energy needs unblocking. To do that, some psychic healers associate themselves with one or more guides, calling on their angels, spirit guides and a Divine power for assistance in their work. Because these assistants are not in the physical world, they can aid in obtaining a higher consciousness and ability, which helps the psychic to rebalance a person’s free-flowing energy and accelerate their healing.



Some people attribute the healing that may take place during a psychic healing session as merely a ?placebo effect.? Merriam-Webster?s Dictionary defines the placebo effect as ?the improvement in the condition of a patient that occurs in response to treatment but cannot be considered due to the specific treatment used.? In other words, if you believe you can be healed, the healing occurs. Psychic healers have healed many individuals and have done so without using conventional medical treatments. Whether the healing is a placebo effect or not, some documented results from these healings have been miraculous and unexplainable. Keep in mind that any psychic healings should be used in tandem with the current conventional medical options that are available for the specific ailment or disease.??? ?



Some common terms used to describe types of psychic abilities are clairalience (the ability to smell scents from the spirit world or from those who are not physically nearby); clairaudience (also known as ?clear hearing,? the ability to hear words, sounds and voices from the spirit world); clairgustance (the ability to physically perceive tastes without tasting anything); clairsentience (the ability to sense or feel the presence of those who have passed or to sense the auras and vibrations of all living things); and finally, the most notable of the clairs, clairvoyance (also known as ?clear seeing,? the ability to mentally see through the mind?s eye, spirits or people who have passed on. It also refers to the ability to obtain information about a person, place or event without the use of the five senses).



When choosing a psychic, do not be afraid to ask questions about the psychic?s abilities in advance of the reading, especially if you do not have a personal recommendation. Before you sit down with a psychic, remember the expression ?Buyer Beware.? Unfortunately, as in every business, there are those who will take advantage of people that are showing any signs of desperation. You should be comfortable with your choice ? trust your gut instincts. Some readings can be entertaining and some can be quite healing and comforting.



Through the investigative research efforts of Psychic Library, we have found that a large percentage of the structured readers we randomly contacted or visited were accurate in the use of their specialized divinations. Some of the readers had special psychic abilities and intuition that embellished and enhanced the readings the Psychic Library team received. However, the unstructured readers who were claiming to possess some form of psychic mediumship abilities did not deliver what they promised. In most cases, our expectations were not met. Instead of providing concrete evidence, these would-be psychic mediums were asking our team of researchers to give them information, even though they were in fact claiming to be in touch with the spirit world. For example, rather than giving information about one of the team members health problems, the psychic asked ?do you have any health problems you want to discuss?? It seemed that for the most part, our team received cold readings and not true evidential psychic readings. Keep in mind, there are very qualified psychic mediums and intuitive counselors available to you. However, do try and seek out a psychic medium who has been recommended by someone you trust or who has had an accurate, helpful or healing reading.



Hopefully this gives you a better understanding of what to look for when contacting a psychic, whether it is online, at a psychic fair or a bookstore.


For more information about psychic abilities, visit the
Learning Room and The Other Side.

For more information about the different types of psychic readings,
visit the Reading Room.


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Tarot Card for the Week of 9-2-12

With the Page of Cups as the tarot card for the week, this might not be the week to close off your emotions. Put any anxieties or fears aside. Be open to your gut feelings or even your own untapped psychic abilities.? Look into promises that people are making to you ? they may not be what they seem.? Is someone holding you back from emotional, financial or spiritual growth? At the end of the week, you decide if the Page of Cups fell in the upright or reversed position for you.


The Page of Cups, Minor Arcana, is a symbol of creativity and imagination. There is a message or some news coming your way. There might be a birth of new ideas or business. It might even symbolize the birth of a child. This is a time for you to express your feelings and do not be afraid of showing intimacy or love. Slow down and listen to your inner voice. The card symbolizes a person who is non-intimidating, gentle, loving, sensitive and highly intuitive ? even having psychic abilities. This individual has control of their energies. Accept help from a younger individual if offered. This will be one of the best gifts you can give yourself. This is not a time to sit back, you must take action on the message. The page possesses a childlike wonder, but his sensitive side can lead to becoming anxious and fearful.


You will not be getting good news. This card represents an individual who may be suffering from a grave emotional deficit. He may be subject to substance abuse. This person may end up draining you emotionally. Be aware ? this could be abusive. This person will drain you of?your creative abilities. This individual may also be very seductive and manipulative. Don’t be seduced by anyone’s empty promises. This person may interrupt or keep you from improving yourself. Also, he is a distraction to future opportunities. Beware of this young, self-centered and immature individual, for he himself is unsure. This person is shutting down your intuition and blocking any psychic messages.





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