Tag Archives: psychic abilities

What is ESP?

Extrasensory perception (ESP), also known as cryptesthesia and the sixth sense, is the ability to acquire information without the use of the five physical senses. Many people believe that everyone is born with one form or another of ESP. For some people it is more developed than others. Often, by the age of four or five years old, logic and reason start to take a stronger hold on the mind and these abilities are weakened or lost. However, there are those who do continue to develop their ESP, especially those individuals who are born into a family where psychic abilities are multi-generational and/or nurtured and encouraged.
The following are the abilities that fall under the umbrella of ESP.


Clairvoyance ? Ability to see events from the past, present or future without the use of the regular five senses.
Clairaudience ? Ability to hear sounds from the spirit world.
Clairsentience ? Ability to feel or sense auras, vibrations and the presence from those that have passed on.
Claircognizance ? Ability to psychically know something without pre-knowledge or being told.
Precognition ? Knowledge of an event before it occurs.
Retrocognition ? Ability to know events that have taken place in the past without previous knowledge.
Telepathy ? Ability to transfer and receive thoughts and feelings from one mind to another without verbal conversation.
Psychometry ? Ability to pick up impressions, visions, thoughts, or events relating to someone by holding an object belonging to that person.
Psychokinesis ? Ability to physically move objects with one?s mind.
Psychic Mediumship ? Ability to communicate with humans and animals who have passed on to the spirit world.
Premonition ? A forewarning that something is going to happen.
D?j? vu ? The feeling of being in an exact situation or place before.
Intuition ? Ability to know something without the use of logic or conscious reasoning. Knowledge gained by feeling, not fact.

In the field of parapsychology, these paranormal events are referred to as psi experiences. There are two major fields of study: 1. psi-gamma, which refers to the ability to acquire information through nonsensory or nonphysical methods, for example telepathy, clairvoyance and precognition; and 2. psi-kappa, which refers to the ability to affect something or move physical objects through nonphysical methods, for example, psychometry, telekinesis or psychic healers. Its purpose is to understand the processes or causation of these events. The studies of psi phenomena are done under well-controlled conditions, in order to remove doubt and provide valid conclusions.
In the 1930s, Joseph Rhine and his wife began research into these events. Rhine and his colleague, Carl Zener, developed Zener cards, a 25-card deck containing five groups each of five like symbols, to be used to test the telepathic ability of an individual. Each card contains an image of either a circle, cross, square, star or wavy line. The 25 cards are shuffled and kept out of sight from the individual being tested. The subject is then asked to give the identity of the card. A scoring system of how many correct card matches made by the subject determines his/her level of telepathy. For example, a score of 10 correct out of 25 indicates some form of telepathy. A score over 10 correct shows a more significant level of abilities. The test should be taken several times to rule out that the answers were just by chance.

The use of Zener cards in ESP testing has been significant in measuring its accuracy. Also, changes in brain activity have been recorded during the testing of psychics who are exercising their abilities. All of this research will prove invaluable, given the increased amount of people who either claim to possess psychic abilities or who have experienced many of these phenomena first-hand.


To take a psychic abilities test, visit the Oracle Room.



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In a Psychic Medium’s Own Words

Psychic mediums have the ability to connect with loved ones who have passed, as well as to know the names of those who are living that have played or are playing significant roles in an individual?s life. They are also able to pick up on a person?s career, travel plans or current events that may be impacting one?s life. Psychic Library’s psychic medium, Donnie Tash, who is also one of its founders, has often been asked to describe what happens and what it looks like when he communicates with someone’s loved one who has passed. He does not go into a trance, the names and information are just there in his mind, and all he does is relay it back to the person. He prefers to call the process “harnessing their energies.” Sometimes people who have passed on choose to appear to him at a different time in their lives, or during a particularly happy period.





By Donnie Tash


Each of us carries within ourselves the imprints of our past and current experiences, sensitivities and vulnerabilities ? what I refer to as invisible tattoos or veiled scars. I have a heightened sensitivity to some people?s imprints. These imprints are vibrations that translate to my mind?s eye as images and past events, most of which relate to people (living or dead) who have been involved in a person?s life or those who are currently playing a role in it. My intuition also plays an important role when I feel that something new or challenging is about to happen in someone?s life.


Many people want to know what the Other Side looks like. It?s not like I get a peek into where these people go, or that I have to pass through a lighted white tunnel, as so many people have reported after a near-death experience (NDE). I get pictures in my mind, somewhat clear. Then I see a jigsaw puzzle of facts and thoughts that fit in with those pictures.


Think about it, when you put together a real jigsaw puzzle, you start with the pieces on the outer edge to make things easier; then eventually everything connects, and all of those smaller, single pieces fit together. Sometimes though, I am given the center piece of the puzzle and work my way out. However, the person who is getting the reading may not put all the pieces together during a reading because things move at such a rapid pace. It may take a while for all of the pieces to fit and some people might not connect them for even a day or two.


People who have passed on are sometimes very clear to me. Those who are ready to come through are at times just standing there. A person may come to a reading in the hopes of contacting a specific individual who has passed; however, sometimes another individual may come through to me with a totally different message. This is something a psychic has no control over.?But during that same reading, bits and pieces may be revealed about the initial individual the person wanted to contact. In fact, sometimes people appear just to jar the individual?s memory.


When people from the other side speak through me, it?s as if I have a cell phone in my head and I?m receiving an audio text message. Try to envision that you are recalling a conversation you have had with someone. That?s exactly how I hear them. I then start getting a name, and more and more details start to show up. By sitting down and thinking a bit longer, more details do appear. I often get visual snippets of images of either the person or of something that relates to them, for example, something they had owned or a hobby they enjoyed.


Names, at times, can be tricky for me. I might only get sounds of single letters that appear in the name, or I might get garbled groups of sounds. For example, note the similarity between the names Barbara and Rebecca. In another example, I might ask: Who?s name contains a strong, dominant sounding letter L? Then I may think of Lilly or Alison. However, sometimes a name or nickname will just come through very clear and precise.?I will ask the person receiving the reading: What does this person mean to you? Or Who did you refer to with this name?


All in all, remember that psychic readings go very quickly. You may not understand all of the messages during the reading,?but give it some time. You will figure it out and it will make sense. As a psychic medium, I do appreciate it when someone who has gotten a reading from me lets me know that they understand the connections made and have fit all of the pieces together.


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A Psychic Medium, Messages and Memories


World Talk Radio
The Self Improvement Show

Take this opportunity to hear what a psychic medium actually sees and hears when he connects with those who have passed on. If you are skeptical, the broadcast will surely make you think twice. Donnie Tash, co-founder of www.psychiclibrary.com, talks about how he communicates with our loved ones who have departed and how he receives their messages. Technical difficulties during the show did prevent the broadcast of three clips from a prerecorded reading. However, he and Irene do discuss the reading in depth on the program. For further clarification, we have added the recordings here so that you can play them after you listen to the show in its entirety.


The host of the Self Improvement Show, Dr. Irene Conlan, had also asked Donnie if he could get any information about her dear friend Stephen, who had passed away years earlier. During the show, she acknowledges the accuracy of the information that Donnie revealed to her, but it was not until after the show that she was, in her own words, ?blown away.?


So listen to the Self Improvement Show and to the recorded segments from the reading that did not air on the program, and then click on the attached article (below the unaired segments) that Dr. Conlan wrote the day after the show, entitled ?Bill, Ducks and a Magazine: The Psychic Medium Blew Me Away.?


We guarantee that you will gain a new perspective, given the evidence presented here.


Unaired Excerpts from the Reading by Donnie

Segment 1

Segment 2

Segment 3


Making Sense of It All after the Show

Bill, Ducks and a Magazine: The Psychic Medium Blew Me Away
By Irene Conlan

May 11, 2012

Donnie Tash, a psychic medium, was my guest on The Self Improvement Show yesterday (May 10) and he blew me away. He said he had a message from my beloved Stephen who died in 2001 of Lou Gehrig’s disease. “He’s very grateful for all you did for him,” Donnie reported.

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The Psychic Medium Blew Me Away

Bill, Ducks and a Magazine: The Psychic Medium Blew Me Away

By Irene Conlan

May 11, 2012?

Donnie Tash, a?psychic?medium, was my guest on The Self Improvement Show yesterday (May 10) and he blew me away. He said he had a message from my beloved Stephen who died in 2001 of Lou Gehrig?s disease. ?He?s very grateful for all you did for him,? Donnie reported. ?O.K., fine.? I thought. No big deal there. Donnie continued ?He talked about how you bossed the doctors around and he talked about something you wrote ? about someone named Bill and about ducks.? He continued, ?He did well with the disease for a long time and then suddenly got worse.? I could confirm that Donnie was ?spot on? about that.


I drew a complete blank. Stephen and I didn?t know anyone named Bill and I didn?t know about the ducks. I write a lot of articles and I probably talked about getting ?your ducks in a row.?? I couldn?t remember. Donnie insisted I wrote it for a magazine but I?ve never written for a magazine.? Doctors, Bill, ducks, a fast decline and a magazine. What on earth was he talking about?


Still blank, I was not able to confirm what he was telling me except for the statement about Stephen?s sudden decline and being bossy.


Well, we talked about it again last night and did some Googleing. It took a while but we finally found it. I wrote an article in March of 2009 for The AZNet News ? a wonderful holistic newspaper published here in Arizona. I also submitted it to EzineArticles and posted it on this blog. (Notice the ?zine? in Ezine as in magazine).


The reason I?m telling you this is that I completely forgot about the article, about calling Stephen ?Bill? in anything I ever wrote and about the ducks. Donnie certainly didn?t know about any of it. For a Medium to pick up on details as tiny as these but, at the same time as highly significant, is more than awesome and certainly not coincidence.? It is real! He got information!? He didn?t get the information from me so I can only assume Stephen helped. You be the judge.


The message? Stephen was grateful that I still cared about what had happened to him and that I wanted to let people know about it. He wanted to say ?Thank you.?


I have run the article in full below with the passages marked in bold that Donnie Tash talked about and I couldn?t remember:



The Powerful Effect of Bedside Manner ? A True Story?For Healthcare Professionals

By?Irene Conlan?-

This is about bedside manner and it is a true story.


He ??we?ll call him Bill?? had been ill for several months with some strange symptoms, which progressed rapidly. When he finally saw a physician, he was weak on one side of his body, was having trouble swallowing and had twitching muscles?all over his body. He was sent immediately to a large neurological center for diagnosis and?treatment.


After spending all day being examined in the emergency room he was finally admitted to a hospital room late in the day ? discouraged, exhausted and frightened. They woke him in the middle of the night for an MRI and a CT scan and he got almost no sleep. The next morning started very early with blood work, more x-rays and a parade of?health care?professionals. By nighttime he was too tired to eat and sleep would not come. No one seemed to notice.


The next day the neurologist, considered one of the best of the best, came in with a retinue of residents trailing behind. Chart in hand he looked at this very ill man and said, ?Well, we?re pretty confident that you have ALS ? that?s Lou Gehrig?s disease. There?s no known cause, no?treatment?and no cure.? He spoke in Medicalese to the residents ? words that regular people don?t understand ? and then turned to?Bill?and asked, ?Do you have any questions?? Everyone was too stunned to ask anything and the specialist and his charges, with no further comments or dialog, left?the room.


The next day after the last confirming test was done, the neurologist came in again with his parade of residents. After dialoging among themselves, again in Medicalese, the doctor said to?Bill, ?The last test is in and it is confirmed that you have ALS. There?s no cure. Now don?t go running around spending your?moneyon exotic?treatments?and alternative methods because nothing will help you. You can go on home and come back to the ALS Clinic. Do you have any questions?? Not waiting for an answer,?he left?the room?like a duck with his ducklings trailing behind him.


The death sentence had been delivered without so much as a kind word or gesture.


The hospital staff came and went quickly like they were just too busy to say anything (and in all likelihood they did not know just what to say to someone who had just been told he was going to die a horrible death soon).


Later in his?treatment?? a month or two later at the Clinic ? this brilliant doctor said,??I?m really surprised that you are not deteriorating faster.? Bill obliged him and his decline accelerated. Within a month and a half he died in hospice. (The care at Hospice, by the way, was amazingly supportive, loving and compassionate).


The doctor was brilliant. The hospital gave the best physical care that could ever possibly be given. The bedside manner of both the doctors and the hospital staff scored at Zero!


?Bedside manner? is really no more than:

o Common Courtesy

o Kindness

o Listening

o Showing interest

o Using understandable language

o Perhaps showing compassion


It does not matter if you are a renowned specialist in allopathic medicine, an osteopathic,?homeopathic?or naturopathic doctor, a dentist, a chiropractor, a reiki master, a spiritual healer or some other form of alternative and complementary medicine practitioner, your patient deserves to be treated like an intelligent, sensitive, competent human being. It is your job to give him information in a language he can understand, give him the bad news without robbing him of all hope and set a stage for his healing or transition.


Remember that your patient is more than bones,?muscles, organs and skin and that what impinges on him emotionally, spiritually and psychologically impacts his response to medical care and healing work. Your bedside manner can be used as therapeutically as the prescription pad, the adjustment and the energy work. Put yourself in your patient?s shoes and think about what you would need to know and how you would like to be treated ? then your bedside manner will most likely be what it should be.


There you have it. The magazine,?Bill, the ducks, and, the article doesn?t say so, but, yes, I got?bossy.


Thank you Donnie, for being so great at what you do and do it with such integrity.


Irene Conlan has a masters?degree?in nursing, a doctoral?degree?in metaphysics, is a certified hypnotherapist and an ordained minister. She practices holistic hypnotherapy in Scottsdale, AZ and the Phoenix metropolitan area. Irene can be found at?http://www.theselfimprovementblog.com.





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Talk To Me!

Individuals who have the ability to communicate with animals seem to be more commonplace today. Whether these people are called pet psychics, animal whisperers or animal communicators, they have one thing in common. They all use intuition, empathy and telepathy to receive information beyond the bark, growl, purr or hiss. In fact, there is much more to even a horse?s neighing or a sheep?s baa.


When ?embarking? (excuse the pun) on this journey of understanding what the animals have to tell you, first look at what you already know. Most pets and animals are creatures of habit. If you give them a set time of day for walking, feeding or playing, most animals will be quite attentive or excited when these times are approaching. Pets understand their own internal clocks and follow the similar cycles that humans do.

So what can animals really tell you? Most animals and pets are concerned with three things ? the here and now, the past and the immediate future. They communicate these concerns either physically or through telepathy. Telepathy, a form of extrasensory perception (ESP), is the direct communication between two living beings on a level that is void of written or verbal communication or the use of the five senses. One being is considered the ?sender? or ?transmitter,? and the other is the ?receiver.? Telepathy can occur between animals, between humans, and between animals and humans on three levels:


1. Physical ? sensations of hunger, pain or illness occurring spontaneously.

2. Mental ? communication and visualization occurring without language.

3. Emotional ? feeling different levels of depression, excitement or fear, without explanation.


Telepathic information is usually received through imagery or visualization. During pet communication, visualization techniques will be most important. This type of communication will take patience and practice.


Many people who own pets seem to possess some form of knowing what their pets want or are possibly thinking. How many times have you reassured your pets that you will be returning, just as you are about to leave the house? Have you ever noticed that when you are not feeling well, your pets stay close to you while recuperating?


Pets and animals have so much to tell! They are aware of even the slightest changes. The phrase ?out of the mouths of babes? perfectly describes their innocence. Their thoughts are keener than we give them credit for. It?s like when a kindergartener comes home from school and can?t wait to tell you everything that happened that day.


Each animal?s personality is unique. Some are extremely sensitive, while others are very conceited. They are specific about their likes and dislikes. They have great memories and remember many details that we might have forgotten. In fact, they are aware of even the slightest change occurring in their owners or surroundings. They are vigilant protectors. Your pets are bursting to share themselves with you and love you unconditionally. Even if an animal or pet may have had a past that was a bit dark or scary ? they truly ARE willing to share that past with you. All you have to do is listen.




As with any type of telepathic communication, quieting your mind is important. Begin by observing the animal and try to visualize the thoughts that come into your mind. Remember that you need to disregard any imagined thoughts. Animals will communicate using images, motions and short visual stories. You will need to do the same when using your mind to communicate with them.


It is best if you start the communication with your own pet. To do this, lie quietly next to your pet. If it is a dog, start thinking about the leash you use to walk him. Focus on the leash as if you were getting ready to grab it to go for a walk. Keep transmitting that image in your mind. After some time, watch and see if the dog becomes excited ? as if he knew he was going to be taken out. You may also want to try this exercise thinking about your pet?s favorite toy. He just might bring the toy to you for some play time. This is a good test to see if the dog is picking up your telepathic message. Be patient, this may take several tries.


Now, keeping in mind that you need to be relaxed and quiet, try to pick up on the dog?s feelings, emotions and images. Again, lie or sit close to your pet on the ground. Let your mind wander away from any wishful images or visions about your pet. See if in you can get a picture in your mind of something the two of you had done together in the past. Also be aware of your own feelings, and observe if any new emotions pop up. This may be the beginning of how to get an impression of what your dog is feeling.


Another good way to test your ability to communicate with animals is to visit someone you know who has perhaps just adopted or rescued a pet. This is key because there are certain facts about the dog?s previous surroundings that you have no prior knowledge of. Ask the owners to let you try out your communication skills and to hold back any information that they have on the dog?s past from you.


Most likely, the pet will greet you with some excitement. He will probably be just as curious about you as you are about him. Let things calm down. Once you feel that you and the pet are ready to communicate, practice the same calming techniques you used with your own pet. See if you are getting images, words or short scenarios in your head. If you don?t get anything right away, avoid playing a guessing game. However, if you feel strongly about the messages you are getting, ask the owners if these things mean anything to them about their pet. If you are accurate about what had previously taken place with their pet, they will be very surprised and you will know that your intuition is working and that you are telepathically communicating. Keep going. You may want to start asking the pet some questions mentally. See what answers you get.


Developing skills with any type of psychic abilities will take practice and grooming. Everyone has his or her own techniques. Find out which ones work for you. After some time, receiving messages and communicating with animals will definitely become quicker and easier.


To learn more about other psychic abilities and how to develop them, visit the Learning Room.



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Chakra Alignment and Benefits

Use the interactive chart below to explore the different chakras and their meanings. Aligning the chakras is not only important for a healthy mind, body and spirit, but proper balance between them can open the doorway to psychic abilities and development. Once you understand the impact each chakra has, as well as its location within the body, you will be able to perform and visualize the following chakra alignment meditation.


[swfobj src=”https://psychiclibrary.com/flash/chakras.swf” width=”580″ height=”200″ align=”center” allowfullscreen=”false”]



Find a place that is free of noise and distractions. Light a scented candle or a chakra energy candle. Select an image to focus on in your mind. Some people use a mandala, a beautiful set of geometric shapes layered on top of one another. It is essential to lie down flat on your back or sit in a comfortable chair with your feet touching the ground.


Close your eyes and begin to take a long, slow deep breath and inhale through your nose. Hold it in for one second and breathe out through your mouth. Imagine you are inhaling a ?plus? sign and exhaling a ?minus? sign.


You might want to play some soft background music or use a mantra to assist you in quieting your mind. A mantra is a word or short phrase that you repeat to yourself. This will help shut off unwanted mental chatter.


Continue breathing at this slow, deep pace. Inhale the plus signs. Exhale the minus signs. You are breathing in prana ? universal life-force energy.


Good. Keep breathing at this pace for a while. Do this until you feel a calmness throughout your entire body and mind.


Notice your arms and legs being supported by the bed or chair. Listen to the background music or even a ticking clock. Focus on your mantra. Take in the smell of the candle. Be aware of any good tastes in your mouth and keep it moist.


Start to imagine an escalator moving slowly upward into a multitude of colored mists. Step on the escalator.


As it moves upward, it slows down as it approaches a red colored mist. This red mist represents your root chakra and its energy flowing from the lower part of your body. Breathe it in deeply. Hold it. Let it out slowly. Tell yourself that you are physically grounded and that this energy can flow freely up throughout your whole body.


As the escalator continues to move, the red mist changes to a bright orange mist, which represents your sacral chakra. The mist is flowing from the area of your navel. Breathe it in deeply. Hold it. Let it out slowly. Tell yourself that you are virile and creative. Visualize the energy from the red mist flowing freely into the orange mist.


The next mist is a bright canary yellow, which represents your solar plexus chakra. It emanates from just above your navel. Breathe it in deeply. Hold it. Let it out slowly. Tell yourself that you are disciplined and intuitive. Your gut feelings are real. See the red and orange mists flowing into the yellow.


The escalator now moves toward a bright green mist, which flows from your heart and chest. Breathe it in deeply. Hold it. Let it out slowly. This is the area of your heart chakra. Communicate to yourself that you are loved and that you love unconditionally. Forgiveness allows this energy to move forward.


The mists of red, orange, yellow and green are now connecting to a vivid turquoise/aqua mist. This mist, which represents your throat chakra, is radiating from your throat. Breathe it in deeply. Hold it. Let it out slowly. Express to yourself that you are communicative and creative. Now see all these colors streaming into a mist of indigo.


This indigo colored mist emerges from the brow area above your eyes. Breathe it in deeply. Hold it. Let it out slowly. This is the energy from your third eye or brow chakra, through which you can see beyond the physical world. See it shoot out into the universe. Now reaffirm your wisdom and extrasensory abilities.


Look down the escalator at all the colors aligned together and connecting to a deep violet mist at the top of your head. This is your crown chakra. Deeply breathe in the Divine violet mist. Hold it. Let it out slowly. Tell yourself that you have a greater understanding of your inner and outer self. You are at this moment one with the universe.


You have just completed an alignment of your chakras. As you arise from your current position, reflect on the feelings that you have experienced. Repeat this exercise over and over. Eventually, you will start to get a stronger connection to your psychic self. If you encounter disarray on your life, this meditation will help you to achieve self-balance, which, in turn, smooths your journey of developing your psychic abilities.



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